what is a capital account

A capital account is used by sole proprietorships and partnerships to track the net investment balance of their owner(s) from the perspective of the business. The amount in this account is the undistributed balance owed by the business to each owner when the organization is eventually shut down. However, the amount actually paid out following this winding up process will likely be different, since the firm’s assets will probably sell for their market value, not their book value. The total of the balances in all of the capital accounts must be equal to the reported total of the company’s assets minus its liabilities. Because of the historical cost principle and other accounting principles, the total amount reported in the capital accounts will not indicate a company’s market value. As seen in the above balance sheet extracts, this company’s account is reflected as “Equity” in the balance sheet.

what is a capital account

Current vs. Capital Accounts: Definitions, Differences

In this case, the capital account may not be simply a one-person account. This subject is complicated, so check with tax and financial professionals. Working capital, debt, equity, and trade capital are the four main categories of capital. A debt liability appears on the balance sheet to counteract any debt capital. The balance of payment records the transactions between one country’s people and companies with that of the rest of the world. The balance of payment is made up of a country’s capital account and current account.

Capital Account, How It’s Measured, with Examples

But when combined with the financial account, it could run a large enough surplus to offset a trade deficit. Unfortunately, that means the country is selling off its assets to buy foreign goods and services. When these transactions generate income, they are transferred to another part employment expenses of transport employees of the balance of payments. If they produce investment income, they are transferred to the financial account.

What Is Included in the Current Account?

They could also be tied to the business, professional, or technical services accounts in the trade portion of the current account. When you start a business, you will almost certainly have to put in money to get it going. A capital contribution is a contribution of capital, in the form of money or property, to a business by an owner, partner, or shareholder.

If more investment flows out of a country, the capital account is in deficit; if more flows in, it’s a surplus. Ideally, a country would prefer a surplus, as it shows strong global demand for a country’s goods and services, which is better for its economy. When foreign insurance companies pay to cover catastrophic losses, they also add to the surplus. In the United States, the Bureau of Economic Analysis measures capital account transactions.


When you start a business and want to take out a bank loan, the bank likes to see that you have invested in the business. If the owner has no stake in the business, they can walk away and leave the bank holding the bag. For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) hasworked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online.

  1. It is a general ledger account used to record the contributed capital of corporate owners as well as their retained earnings.
  2. The balance of the capital account also includes all items reflecting changes in stocks.
  3. These figures help economists understand a nation’s economic health and global standing.
  4. The balance of payments, which records all of a country’s transactions with other countries in a specific period, consists of the capital account and the current account.

It is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments, the other being the current account. Whereas the current account reflects a nation’s net income, the capital account reflects net change in ownership of national assets. A capital account surplus means more money is coming into the country from foreign investors, while a deficit means facts on the specific identification method of inventory valuation that domestic investors are putting more money into foreign assets. In the balance of payments, when one account has a surplus, the other usually has a deficit, keeping the overall balance even. These figures help economists understand a nation’s economic health and global standing. A country with a large trade surplus exports capital and runs a capital account deficit, meaning money flows out of the country in exchange for increased ownership of foreign assets.

what is a capital account

The credit and debit of foreign exchange from these transactions are also recorded in the balance of the current account. The resulting balance of the current account is approximated as the sum total of the balance of trade. In economic terms, the current account deals with the receipt and payment in cash as well as non-capital items, while the capital account reflects sources and utilization of capital. The sum of the current account and capital account reflected in the balance of payments will always be zero. Any surplus or deficit in the current account is matched and canceled out by an equal surplus or deficit in the capital account. This account is part of the equity section at the bottom of the company’s balance sheet.

What Is a Capital Account?

Changes in the balance of payments can provide clues about a country’s relative level of economic health and future stability. The capital account indicates whether a country is a net importer or exporter of capital. Big changes in the capital account can indicate how attractive a country is to foreign investors and can substantially impact exchange rates. Flows in and out of the capital account represent changes in asset value through investments, loans, banking balances, and real property value. The capital account is less immediate and more invisible than the current account. Many common misunderstandings about international trade stem from a lack of understanding of the capital account.

If imports decline and exports increase to stronger economies during a recession, the country’s current account deficit drops. But if exports stagnate as imports grow when the economy grows, the current account deficit grows. A cross-border insurance payment could be substantial, but it rarely occurs.

In the net income section of the current account, they are often mixed up in royalties and license fees. Capital accounts can be complex, and because each business situation is different and tax laws are continually changing, it’s best to consult with tax and legal advisors before making any business decisions. Sole proprietorships, partnerships, and LLCs don’t pay business taxes; the taxes are passed through to the owners.

In other words, the capital account is concerned with payments of debts and claims, regardless of the time period. The balance of the capital account also includes all items reflecting changes in stocks. A capital account is important because it shows the flow of investment (both public and private) in and out of a country.

How the business owner’s capital account is structured depends on the type of business. In accounting, personal accounts are used to record transactions related to individuals and entities. We can derive the amount of capital by reducing the number of liabilities from the number of assets reflected on the balance sheet of any business.

All of the accounts have a natural credit balance except for treasury stock, which has a natural debit balance. Common and preferred stock are recorded at the par value of total shares owned by shareholders. In international macroeconomics, the capital account is part of the balance of payments, tracking the flow of capital in and out of a country. It records changes in ownership of assets, including foreign investments, loans, and the transfer of financial assets. The capital account is important to track because it provides valuable insights into a country’s economic health and interactions with the global economy. Capital controls are measures imposed by a state’s government aimed at managing capital account transactions.